MS Attorney General responds to Court of Appeals Motion for Peremptory Reversal. Here is my response back

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Disgust and Tasteless are the two words that instantaneously come to mind when I read over this response by MS Attorney General Lynn Fitch and her Special Assistant Attorney General Barbara Byrd. It would certainly appear on its face that they are choosing to attack my appeal on grounds of technicality, not facts and merits. This is certainly no surprise to me, although it is disheartening in that this office is demonstrating their much higher interest in the rules set forth in the Mississippi Rules of Appellate Procedure while batting an eye and throwing care to the wind when it comes to the Mississippi Rules of Criminal Procedure. In my opinion, all law enforcement officials and most definitely the State Attorney General MUST put a much higher level of care and interest in making sure the rights of the accused are protected, which involves having full knowledge of and placing the highest of priorities into the Rules of criminal first and foremost

Reardon Files Shocking LAST MINUTE motion with Court Of Appeals to Vacate Plea and Reverse Original Judgement in 2017 Criminal Case

In 2017 he was banished from Oxford, MS and Lafayette County along with signing a Covenant to Not Sue the City, County, Sheriffs Department, Elected Officials, and Employees. Now In 2021, Matt Reardon AKA Oxford Outlaw files an absolutely shocking Last minute “One and Done” motion for Peremptory Reversal to the Mississippi Court of Appeals at 11:59pm on September 16th to vacate his plea made and reverse judgement and order of the original 2017 criminal charge!

Reardon files absolutely shocking Last minute “One and Done” motion for Peremptory Reversal to Mississippi Court of Appeals at 11:59pm to vacate plea and reverse judgement and order of original 2017 criminal charge!

Reardon’s Motion for Peremptory Reversal submitted just before midnight on 9/16/2021


MS Attorney General Lynn Fitch & Special AG Barbara Byrd issues response on 9/20/2021


My Rebuttal to the Response from the State Attorney General’s Office


A very concerning fact starts to show clearly when assessing the facts and the response given by the State Attorney General’s Office. Attorney General Lynn Fitch’s Office demonstrates a much higher interest, and clearly knowledge, in the Mississippi Rules of Appellate Procedure than the Mississippi Rules of Criminal Procedure. This should never be the case! The rights of the accused should always be preserved and held at a much higher level at the trial stage so as not to completely violate the rights of an innocent citizen such as what happened with my particular case. When the Mississippi Rules of Criminal Procedure are completely violated and Due Process Rights of the accused are not afforded which in turn sways the outcome in a particular legal matter, that legal matter in turn should be viewed as VOID, even FRAUDULENT through manifest procedural error committed by the state making an appeal essentially pointless to fight by the State. In this particular case, you have the State AG’s office fighting to dismiss the appeal on technicality, but where is any type of responsibility taken for the major deprivation of essentially all due process rights which the state is mandated to provide under both State and Federal Law?

42 US Code 1985- What it means to Lafayette County Sheriffs Department and others that have gone on Hiatus

Honestly It’s hard to imagine this statute applying more directly than with everything I have encountered from 2017 til today

Watch this 3 minute video to learn more about it. Be on the lookout next for a special interest piece on The Earlene Gardner Victims ASSistance Project; a DOJ funded project which through my own first-hand experience have witnessed completely fraudulent, falsifying, unethical, unscrupulous behavior for a “non-profit organization” that continues showing an insistence of operating in morally unsatisfying ways. I could create a page in itself that goes into great detail and I may just do that

The Most APPALLING entrapment stunt & Political Attack Yet by the FBI and DOJ

This should send chills down all American’s spines! I’m absolutely outraged! And the close similarity and ties to everything I have felt firsthand. This is 100% domestic terrorism, treason, and spells disaster if these weaponized agencies aren’t disbanded and rebuilt correctly without all the disgusting swamp rats that are heavily embedded throughout

Major Issues with 1st Amendment Infringement at the US Attorneys Office in Oxford, MS

A Renewed Demand for Justice and Accountability From Merrick Garland’s Department Of Justice


Lafayette County and MS State Government MUST be Punished and Stopped by any means necessary! This is TREASON

This can have lasting implications on all of us if the Lafayette County and State of Mississippi Government are successful in getting away with this extreme level of treason. They must be stopped by any means necessary! Please share this. Donations greatly appreciated to assist with the ongoing catastrophic costs of this nightmare

This can have lasting implications on all of us if the Lafayette County and State of Mississippi Government are successful in getting away with this extreme level of treason. They must be stopped by any means necessary! Please share this. Donations greatly appreciated to assist with the ongoing catastrophic costs of this nightmare

QUICK FIVE: 5 of the most captivating moments in Matt Reardon’s new explosive Riding With The Outlaw release “The Patriot Games Continue”

First 5 Minutes of new Riding With The Outlaw release “The Patriot Games Continue” which is currently being slightly modified.The true story about a Patriotic Citizen and USMC Veteran whom was framed by the local Government and select individuals in a much larger, more sinister plot that continues to unfold. See more at Outlaw.News,, OxfordOutlaw.Com, or
Another absolutely hair raising scene from the new 90 minute jaw dropping Riding With The Outlaw release
This is the shocker of filings that is currently before the Mississippi Court of Appeals and is expected overturn the entire “witch hunt” from 2017. Follow along and listen
Massive corruption comes to a head with Department of Justice Foul Play and Corrupt Involvement when the US Attorneys Office proves to be complicit and acting like a lifeguard “watching a child drown”. The FBI playing a clear hand in destruction of evidence really added to the drama as well. And all of this came about due to the advisement of one man who should be garnering public trust, not shredding it. Assistant US Attorney Blowhard Bob Norman. Absolute Scum of the earth

All in all, win or lose, there is one for sure message that can be taken from all of this. You never can predict if someone you wrongfully took part in criminally framing and hanging will return with a camera and microphone, making a documentary/movie or write a slew of books about you that you can never get rid of. These people destroyed my life and at the same time they gave me my life story which it in itself is one in a billion

BONUS (in case you haven’t listened to this) The war on Mainstream Media begins