Orchestrate, Smear, Deny, Lie, Obstruct, and Cover-Up

This Obnoxious Witch-Hunt and Intentional Smear Campaign Can be Tied back to improper and immoral involvement from the Current Lafayette County Sheriff Joey East with ease. It’s Time for some honest answers from the Lafayette County Sheriff

Orchestrate, Smear, Deny, Lie, Obstruct, and Cover It All Up (or attempt to)

It Happens all too often when dealing with elected or appointed members of Government, whether that be in congress, senate, the executive branch, the legislative branch, the judicial branch. Federal level, state level, county level, municipal level. Corruption and mass deception always tends to be an unfortunate byproduct that comes from affording individuals power over others through legislation. From my perspective, it is always in the above stated order: Orchestrate/Conspire, Smear, Deny, Lie, Obstruct, and attempt to cover it all up. Ending with another ruthless attack particularly if that person that was attacked stands up and fights back. It’s the Liberal/Far-Left Playbook. It’s this highly immoral strategy which has for far too long given shelter and strategic advantage to power hungry Government Officials and even Government employees. Particularly when these individuals are never held accountable for the crimes and extreme wrongs they do to others while suppressing and oppressing by using mob-like influence and domination in order to incite fear. Make no mistake about it, the actions of certain individuals in our Government currently are nothing short of Tyrannical.

What we begin to see in overwhelming detail when adding this in is that the Lafayette County Sheriff Joey East (at the time was the Oxford Police Chief) not only clearly had dirty involvement in a completely immoral and unlawful arrest that led to the false imprisonment of a private citizen in 2017, but KNOWINGLY helped to push a smear campaign on that individual in his official capacity under color of law in an obnoxious attempt to try to legitimize this coup-like, oppressive, and fear-mongering attack.

Section 802 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Pub. L. No. 107-52) Expanded the definition of terrorism to cover “”domestic,”” as opposed to international, terrorism. A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act”dangerous to human life” that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, if the act appears to be intended to: (i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion


Talking to Joey East on 8-31-2020 outside of Sheriffs Department


Talking to Joey East 2 hours Later 4-1-2020 about seeing Lydia

Motion to Quash, Suppress, and Sanction Plaintiff and Plaintiff’s Counsel |Matt Reardon

I’m only getting started. If laws and rules all of a sudden don’t matter, then God help me because those are the only things (and mainly just laws) holding me back. A functioning society cannot sustain with this type of madness and these this type of criminal activity amassing and further being condoned by courts of LAW! Them backing down at this point wouldn’t help matters for them as I am dead set on seeing this through unto fruition right into the jaws of justice! There is a special place in hell for these people to fry for eternity! See more at MATTREARDON.COM and RIDINGWITHTHEOUTLAW.COM

I have completely had it with this complete nonsense and jaw droppingly abominable criminal behavior that is an extension of the criminal racket involving Phyllis “Liz” Crowder-Kester.

Of course there is also her husband Dustin Kester whom has played an increasing role, her attorney Mona Pittman, and I wouldnt be the slightest bit surprised to learn that the Grand Puppeteer of them all Rhea Tannehill, husband of Oxford Mayor Robyn Tannehill, is still in the mix pulling strings as he did in May of 2017 when the Conspiracy to ultimately frame me and get rid of me was orchestrated and followed through with. The list of those who have played an active role in everything continues to grow longer and longer as the weeks pass by. I’m more aware of my surroundings than ever and have been hot on the trail in pursuit of Justice and all facts in order to regain what was unfairly stolen from me, as well as my kids vicariously through me. One thing is for certain however. Karma is a bitch, and when it comes to such a serious matter as this, I say calling it a bitch is a rather big understatement. I believe the better word to use for everything is ruthless, and I’m only getting warmed up. Many more revelations of truth and fact have been made and will continue to be made as I rip every last trellis out of this gigantic corrupt temple, and so be it if the fallout hits me. I’ll do whatever I have to do to ensure my kids have ample opportunity in life free from the evils of everything I have had to deal with


LAFAYETTE COUNTY SHERIFF JOEY EAST: Immediately Release Camera Footage to the Public from 12/28/2020 or Immediately Suspend Courtney Dixon from Active Patrol Duty

It’s time that accountability and responsibility get taken at The Lafayette County Sheriffs Office, so I am demanding that the Sheriff Publicly release the videos of the arrest outside of the Sheriffs Office and Detention Center On 12/28/2020 or Immediately Suspend Deputy Courtney Dixon and order an Internal Affairs Investigation

It’s way passed time for Lafayette County Sheriff Joey East and Lafayette County to take their responsibilities and duties seriously. I’ve got a message for Sheriff Joey East of the Lafayette County Sheriffs Office and it is very clear. Release the tapes of the 12/28/2020 arrest in the parking lot of Lafayette County Sheriffs Office or Immediately Suspend Courtney Dixon from active patrol pending an Internal Affairs Investigation. It is absolutely imperative to have and maintain a high level of transparency, fairness, and decency when maintaining a position garnering of public integrity and trust. There has been far too many shady occurrences and calls over the past few years involving this very department and I find it absolutely necessary for an audit into operations to happen. So in all fairness I believe that audit should happen in one of two ways. Either a public audit of examination or an internal audit. Let it be known that the intentional suppression of evidence and the intentional suppression and intimidation of witnesses will never be condoned, not now not ever. Demonstrate that you can be trusted. Make the call

-Matt “Outlaw” Reardon

LAFAYETTE COUNTY SHERIFF JOEY EAST: Immediately Release Camera Footage to the Public from 12/28/2020 or Immediately Suspend Courtney Dixon from Active Patrol Duty

It’s time that accountability and responsibility get taken at The Lafayette County Sheriffs Office, so I am demanding that the Sheriff Publicly release the videos of the arrest outside of the Sheriffs Office and Detention Center On 12/28/2020 or Immediately Suspend Deputy Courtney Dixon and order an Internal Affairs Investigation

It’s way passed time for Lafayette County Sheriff Joey East and Lafayette County to take their responsibilities and duties seriously. I’ve got a message for Sheriff Joey East of the Lafayette County Sheriffs Office and it is very clear. Release the tapes of the 12/28/2020 arrest in the parking lot of Lafayette County Sheriffs Office or Immediately Suspend Courtney Dixon from active patrol pending an Internal Affairs Investigation. It is absolutely imperative to have and maintain a high level of transparency, fairness, and decency when maintaining a position garnering of public integrity and trust. There has been far too many shady occurrences and calls over the past few years involving this very department and I find it absolutely necessary for an audit into operations to happen. So in all fairness I believe that audit should happen in one of two ways. Either a public audit of examination or an internal audit. Let it be known that the intentional suppression of evidence and the intentional suppression and intimidation of witnesses will never be condoned, not now not ever. Demonstrate that you can be trusted. Make the call

-Matt “Outlaw” Reardon

Summing up Initial Appearance in Lafayette County Justice Court and reasserting my strong position of a $5 Million Counter Claim against the County


Hear the details of this completely unethical and uncalled for arrest which came from having to inconvenience myself just to try to get The Sheriff of Lafayette County to afford equal protections of the Laws!