Orchestrate, Smear, Deny, Lie, Obstruct, and Cover-Up

This Obnoxious Witch-Hunt and Intentional Smear Campaign Can be Tied back to improper and immoral involvement from the Current Lafayette County Sheriff Joey East with ease. It’s Time for some honest answers from the Lafayette County Sheriff

Orchestrate, Smear, Deny, Lie, Obstruct, and Cover It All Up (or attempt to)

It Happens all too often when dealing with elected or appointed members of Government, whether that be in congress, senate, the executive branch, the legislative branch, the judicial branch. Federal level, state level, county level, municipal level. Corruption and mass deception always tends to be an unfortunate byproduct that comes from affording individuals power over others through legislation. From my perspective, it is always in the above stated order: Orchestrate/Conspire, Smear, Deny, Lie, Obstruct, and attempt to cover it all up. Ending with another ruthless attack particularly if that person that was attacked stands up and fights back. It’s the Liberal/Far-Left Playbook. It’s this highly immoral strategy which has for far too long given shelter and strategic advantage to power hungry Government Officials and even Government employees. Particularly when these individuals are never held accountable for the crimes and extreme wrongs they do to others while suppressing and oppressing by using mob-like influence and domination in order to incite fear. Make no mistake about it, the actions of certain individuals in our Government currently are nothing short of Tyrannical.

What we begin to see in overwhelming detail when adding this in is that the Lafayette County Sheriff Joey East (at the time was the Oxford Police Chief) not only clearly had dirty involvement in a completely immoral and unlawful arrest that led to the false imprisonment of a private citizen in 2017, but KNOWINGLY helped to push a smear campaign on that individual in his official capacity under color of law in an obnoxious attempt to try to legitimize this coup-like, oppressive, and fear-mongering attack.

Section 802 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Pub. L. No. 107-52) Expanded the definition of terrorism to cover “”domestic,”” as opposed to international, terrorism. A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act”dangerous to human life” that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, if the act appears to be intended to: (i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion


Talking to Joey East on 8-31-2020 outside of Sheriffs Department


Talking to Joey East 2 hours Later 4-1-2020 about seeing Lydia

Politically Charged | The Rise of The Oxford Outlaw

Riding With The Outlaw is a real documentation of the true chain of events that began in 2017 and ultimately set the stage for a story like none other. It’s much more than just my story, it’s my journey. It’s not something I write, but rather something I live on a daily basis. Riding With The Outlaw is the true ongoing Saga of a Framed Patriotic American who defiantly refused to accept defeat and in turn single handedly took on one of the largest stands in a modern day “David vs Goliath” battle of Good vs Evil against the corrupt deep state swamp that has destroyed many lives including my own in 2017. I put it all on the line, and not just for me, not just for my girl, not just for my family, but for the sake of America

Riding With The Outlaw is a real documentation of the true chain of events that began in 2017 and ultimately set the stage for a story like none other. It’s much more than just my story, it’s my journey. It’s not something I write, but rather something I live on a daily basis. Riding With The Outlaw is the true ongoing Saga of a Framed Patriotic American. A Patriot defiantly refusing to accept defeat and in turn single handedly taking on an enormous stand in a what gives off the feeling of a modern day “David vs Goliath” battle. It’s a battle of right verses wrong and good verses evil against the corrupt deep-state swamp that has destroyed many lives including my own in back in 2017. I put it all on the line as there is no other option. The stand I’m taking is not just for me, it’s not just for my girls, it’s not just for my family. It’s all of that, but even more it’s for the sake of America.

Although my story truly started when I was born, MY story as talked about on Riding With The Outlaw started when I was politically framed for a crime I didn’t commit nor could I have committed back in 2017. I was coerced under stress to plea out in order to see and ultimately get my daughter-in-law back into my life. The entire time treated like the worst of criminals for simply being a patriot and constitutionalist who took a stand to protect our constitutional rights. That along with protecting the historical monuments and state flag. To be honest it was about anything which did not fit the progressive leftist agenda which throughout the years has become more and more radicalized around the city of Oxford. I identified key strengths that were used and used successfully by the other side advantageously, such as dedication to a cause, precision striking and applying a steady and relentless pressure towards a particular cause. Most of all, RESONATE! Be loud. Being Tame, Silent, and Politically Correct IS NOT the proper strategy in my opinion given the latest civil unrest and complete political division which divides our country.

Unfortunately it is far beyond a state of repairing. I don’t see the radical left shifting right. I don’t see the radical right left shifting I personally believe that our country is quickly turning into a “winner take all” type way of life. Similar to a real life largescale version of Tug of War or Capture the flag. Something binary, two choices but only one answer. My answer back then as more and more came under attack by the radical leftists was to stand true and stand tall. Not to waver in my commitments and most certainly not the things I believed in. I was part of the silent majority, but I wasn’t silent. I knew silence got nothing, only more and more lost without so much as a fight truly being put up to stop it.

On May 26th, 2017 I was ambushed and arrested on the square in Oxford, MS by 4 sheriffs investigators, Jarrett Bundren, Alan Wilburn, Scott Mills, and the fourth I do not know to this day. May 26th 2017 was a very Ironic day to say the least. Of all days, this just happened to be my now mother-in-law’s birthday, whom I was set to meet just two hours later. Coincidentally, however, it was also the day after I sat down with two FBI agents at the local field branch office in Oxford to discuss a death threat that was reported to me. During that meeting I also discussed a hijack plan that was put in place by Rhea and Robyn Tannehill to silence me and further block from speaking at city hall on the day of the election, June 6th. Ironic given all the more recent developments of “coincidences” happening at the hands of the FBI who have clearly demonstrated that they have turned into a completely politicized weapon, and still are! Ironically, I only sat down with the FBI because it was at the advisement of an Assistant US Attorney I had spoken with on May 24th, 2017. I put my trust, faith, and confidence in this complete Blowhard Assistant US Attorney by the name of Bob Norman. It was his actions (or lack there of) which earned Bob the name Blowhard Bob. Blowhard Bob is a key character in Riding With The Outlaw whom I have had multiple face to face’s with in the course of my investigation to get to the bottom of everything.

I was scheduled to speak June 6, 2017 right after Joey East per the scheduled minutes that were posted by The Local Voice. At the prior Board of Aldermen meeting May 16th, 2017 the current mayor Pat Patterson told me to put my name down to speak at the next meeting which I did. However this didn’t sit well with Robyn or Rhea Tannehill as the next meeting June 6th just happened to be the day of the Mayors election. Not only that, but with Robyn being for the removal/relocation of of the confederate monument in Oxford along with her being a primary opponent of the state flag, June 6th was inevitable for some type of fireworks show.

So in an effort to thwart any potential roadblocks, roadbumps, or issues, Rhea did what Rhea does best. Throw handfuls of shit at the wall and see what sticks. So as Robyn’s attorney he drafted up a cover page and a chancery court filing seeking preliminary injunctive relief. However, as shown on the initial cover page he had marked it originally as Circuit Court, which I’m just about positive he will say was a mistake, and it always COULD have been. If there is one thing I’ve learned well through life’s lessons it’s this. If it looks like a pig, sounds like a pig, and smells like a pig, the impression most would have is that it’s a pig. 99% of the time that answer would be correct and the other 1% of the time it’s someone who skates by on a technicality in this case by labeling the pig a hog. In this injunctive relief Rhea actually stooped to the adolescent level definitely not behooving of any attorney most certainly not behooving of any seasoned attorney by pointing out and listing constitutionally protected activity as reasons requested of relief. These reasons were reasons Rhea had to have known were reasons prohibitive from seeking injunctive relief on and especially everything in general was twisted and conjured up in a false narrative type way. But Rhea had one big trick up his sleeve. His influence. The same tool used over and over as an advantageous winner take all move for Rhea.

By law I was supposed to have been brought before the judge within 48 hours to get the original bond, however Lafayette County decided to hold me for 96 hours (4 days) before bringing me to justice court for a bond hearing. A black democrat justice court judge named Carolyn Bell gave me a $150,000 bond and refused to allow me to address the court to show there was in fact zero proof that the state had and I had complete proof of my innocence which a simple bill of sale in my possession would show. The bond set was 3 times higher than the MAXIMUM guidelines set by the supreme court for a crime up to 10 years incarceration, the charge levied at me saw a maximum 5 years for alleged “aggravated stalking” which the state then changed to “cyber stalking”. I didn’t realize it at the time, but May 30th (the day of my bond hearing) was exactly 7 days (1 week) before the incoming mayor Robyn Tannehill was to be elected.

I was never truly given the opportunity to prove my innocence, as this was already a known fact by the local Government, agencies, prosecution, and the accusers all along. The entire time the state (county) was grabbing at straws. This circus show had quid-pro-quo written all across it from all angles. It further assisted the incoming Democrat/Socialist Mayor Robyn Tannehill, effectively silencing and sliding her biggest and certainly most outspoken adversary out of the way. As a presumably innocent man, I sat illegally and unconstitutionally confined receiving no bond reduction hearing despite numerous requests for one. They had to make it next to impossible for me to get out, because me getting out meant their ship would most certainly sink when I got my hands on tangible evidence, the proof of my innocence and further the criminal wrongdoing of many at this point who assisted. and provide for my dependents as well as proving my innocence, not to mention build a solid case against those who plotted against me. I was coerced under fear and stress to plea out on July 6th, 2017 which coincidentally was 7 days (1 week) after Robyn Tannehill was sworn into office as the 36th Mayor of Oxford, although I personally believe with the facts and evidence of everything that she became the 1st illegitimate mayor of Oxford. Even worse, I was banished from the city and county for the term of my supervised probation (5 years). If that wasn’t bad enough already, to cap things off and in order to shield themselves from liability, the county had insisted on me signing a covenant to not sue the sheriffs department, any officers involved, any city or county elected official or employee, or Todd & Ashley Lynch. It’s these reasons that are the primary reasons I reference to when being asked about my level of dedication and refusal to back down. It’s also these reasons which explain why I started on the mission of producing my story through the LIVE Ongoing Documentary, Riding With The Outlaw.

They all but removed every opportunity to right the wrongs done and get my life back which was so savagely taken and seek legal remedy. They thought they had every angle tied up, one big problem, though. Actually two. First, I got off of probation at half time, 2.5 years. The second, the county opened the door and gave me every legitimate reason to legally bypass the covenant to not sue when even more corruption started to surface and the county refused to comply with a public records/freedom of information act request (FOIA) when the sheriffs department admitted in the last batch of documents requested that Deputy Jarrett Bundren had received a mystery phone call on May 24th, 2017 just two days before I was ambushed on the square in Oxford. The 24th just happened to also be the day before i met with the FBI and coincidentally the same day I spoke to Assistant US Attorney Blowhard Bob Norman. Two days after Rhea and Robyn Tannehill petitioned the court for an emergency injunction which would effectively bar me from speaking at the upcoming city council meeting. Not long into my discovery phase, I realized that there was much more involvement in this plot than what I originally thought.

It became clearer and clearer that this was an all or nothing mission that I could not back down from as I began to get closer and closer to the fire and found more and more Government involvement and push back from the same ones that plotted to frame me, silence me, get rid of me, and ultimately destroy my life back in 2017. This is my duty. I have an obligation. The oath I made to uphold and protect the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic is very much intact and alive. It’s that and my children that are the best reasons of any as to my seriousness. I am facing off against a fierce, well banded, and determined enemy, that is for sure. But I am fiercer and much more determined, a race against the clock, and I am a man, a patriot, on a mission in an all out war on corruption for the sake of my children, my family, myself, and society.

-I hope you continue to follow along on my journey in prevailing against the true dark evils of society. May the innocent be proven innocent and the guilty be found guilty. And always remember this, “When freedom is outlawed, only the outlaws will be free”