1ST AMENDMENT AUDITING: The practice of exercising one's constitutional right to record video for the purpose of educating anyone who attempts to infringe that right and...
Here is what really transpired at Lafayette County Justice Court yesterday, and it wasn’t at all like Lt Omar Ahmed made it sound like in his...
On Monday June 6th I submitted a simple 1-page motion seeking leave of the court to Amend my complaint and add the MS Department of Mental...
Matt Reardon files $27.5 Million lawsuit against the State of Mississippi by and through Lafayette County, it’s Sheriff, and multiple named Officials.
(Posting On Website due to email correspondence being blocked by the entire MS AGO Office) Mr Geiger, This is Matt Reardon. On multiple occasions I have...
We need more Firebrands in the Senate and House like this first Senator speaking up to help fix the cancerous issue such as the second Senator...
Matt Reardon announces even more legal action to be pending against the Lafayette County Sheriffs Department, Lafayette County, and the State of Mississippi as he shows...
First off this article is an opinion column regarding my own personal opinions surrounding this controversial topic. I have molded my opinion off of falling clutch...