By Matthew Reardon – Investigative Journalist It Started as a Routine Audit and a need to make a public records request. It Ended in Prison. On...
Matt Reardon files $27.5 Million lawsuit against the State of Mississippi by and through Lafayette County, it’s Sheriff, and multiple named Officials.
Matt Reardon announces even more legal action to be pending against the Lafayette County Sheriffs Department, Lafayette County, and the State of Mississippi as he shows...
Matt Reardon files $27.5 Million lawsuit against the State of Mississippi by and through Lafayette County, it’s Sheriff, and multiple named Officials.
Filed 3/28/2022
WARNING: This Video Contains Lies, Violence, Illegal Search, & Overdetention by Lafayette Sheriffs Deputies Watch this new video on YouTube Now The 4th Visit to the...
Another added Occurrence further Justifying the Abolishment of Chancery/Family Court for all the right reasons
Matt Reardon's Brand-new YouTube Premiere "From the Oxford Outlaw to The Mississippi Muckraker" Premieres LIVE on YouTube January 22nd 2022! Make sure you check out this...
Extreme Foul Play and involvement surrounding multiple Lafayette County Circuit Court records “mysteriously” changing for 2nd time leads to renewed calls for the immediate recusal of...
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